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Eyelid/Festoon/Facial Procedures FAQ's and Answers

The Q & A is intended to provide you with a general overview of what to expect with my procedures. Should you have any further questions, kindly contact our offices at (212) 203-2838 or (914) 997-2646.

Where are the incisions located?

Upper lids: lid crease
Lower lids: under lash line
Ptosis: inside the eyelid (most often)
Xanthelasma: sites where plaques are located
Festoons: natural wrinkle, lower lid
Mini Face Lift: in front of and behind the ear

Does it hurt?

Not at all, as the eyelids are numbed with a local anesthetic and the face is numbed with local and tumescent anesthesia (dilute mixture of lidocaine in a saline solution)

Are my eyes protected during the procedure?

Absolutely. A numbing drop is instilled in the eye and a protective contact lens is placed for the duration of the facial/eyelid procedure.

What if I am nervous and move around?

Believe it or not, you will most likely be snoring through the procedure as you will be relaxed with an oral sedative!

Will I be in pain after the local anesthetic wears off?

We are proactive with pain control and will give you Tylenol with a half-dose of pain killer (to avoid nausea) before we start the procedure. This combination is re-dosed an hour later to build up the level in your body so that when the anesthetic wears off, you will be in tolerable discomfort for another hour or so. Once the pain resolves, it will not return. You will go home, eat a solid meal and take another dose to help you sleep through the night. The next day, most patients do not have any pain.

Will I look like I was in a fist fight?

Surprisingly, and most likely, no. A flesh-colored compression dressing will be placed after surgery and left in place for a few days to mitigate bruising/swelling. This also conceals the healing going on underneath. For face lifts, we will also give a compression garment to be worn intermittently for the next few weeks.

Will I be able to see when I leave?

Yes, of course.  The dressing will not cover your eyes. You may drive the next day!

What factors may cause me to bruise more?

Failure to follow the written preoperative and postoperative instructions given. If you do not stop all blood-thinning prescription and OTC supplements 2-4 weeks before your surgery, you WILL bruise more. If you tend to bruise easily despite no blood thinners or have a family history of bleeding, you will be required to obtain preoperative lab work for optimal planning and safety.

How long should I take off from work?

About 1-2 weeks. Makeup must be avoided at the incision/suture sites for 3 weeks but concealer may be used after 2 weeks for any residual bruising.

When will I see the result?

Within 2-3 weeks, you will begin to see the early clinical result.  The result will evolve weekly, but the body needs one full year to complete microscopic healing. Please be patient during this process and do not rush into a decision about the result while your body is actively healing during the year!

How long do the results last, on average?

For eyelid/festoon surgeries, about 15 years. For mini facelifts, 7-10 years.

Will I look like myself?

Absolutely! Whether it is eyelid, festoon, or facial surgery–you will still look like yourself–just more refreshed and sculpted.

What are possible risks?

For eyelid and festoon surgery, risks include bleeding, infection, scarring, lid retraction, dry eye, and visual changes. For face lifts, risks include bleeding, infection, and scarring. Minimizing and even avoiding risk is a team effort. My use of radio and laser surgery increases the safety profile as does patient compliance to pre- and postoperative instructions. It is my hope that patients find solace in knowing that I am trained as both an ophthalmic surgeon and oculofacial plastic surgeon in addition to having an artistic bent and perfectionistic nature.

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New York City:
1070 Park Avenue
New York, NY
(212) 203-2838

White Plains:
1230 Mamaroneck Ave
White Plains, NY
(914) 997-2646